Network Security
Networks are growing exponentially, at the
same time. They are becoming complex and mission critical, bringing new
challenges to network admin who manage that entire network. As per the need of
integrated network infrastructure comprising voice, video, and data (all in
one) services is evident, but this rapidly growth of Network
infrastructure raises a problem such as Network Security. That’s why as network
administrator struggle to include the latest technology in their network
infrastructure, network security has become a pivotal function in building and
maintaining the high growth networks.
In this blog we will just present a brief
description of network security in the respect of rapidly changing network
environments. The security paradigm is changing, and security solutions today
are solution driven and designed to meet the requirements of business. And in a
brief would like to discuss about the core principles of Security – the CIA
triad: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. And additionally
discussing security policies: standards, procedures, baselines, guidelines and
various security models and in brief discussing security device PIX and ASA
& its simulation with GNS3.
The Firewall is a device or system those are
uses in the network to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private
network. Firewall can be employed in the form of hardware as well as software
or combination of both.
A firewall is a system of hardware and /or
Software that controls access between two or more networks.
Some types of firewall techniques:-
Packet Filtering:
In this technique FW works on the basis of ACL
(Access Control List), FW looks each packet which is entering or leaving the
network. Packets are accepted or rejected on the basis of ACL. Packet filtering
is fairly effective of transparent to users. A malicious user can still
discover what packets meet the FW ACL criteria and send arbitrary traffic
Packets can get through by being fragmented Complex Access Control Lists are
difficult to configure and camber some to maintain and it is susceptible to IP
Proxy Service Filtering:
A proxy server represent a single point of
failure for application services, authentication and authorization policy. High
degrees of performance over header.Not a scalable solution. Intercepts all
messages entering and leaving the network.
Application Gateway:
Applies security mechanisms to specific
applications, such as FTP, Telnet servers. This is very effective, but can
impose a performance degradation.
Circuit Level Gateway:
When the TCP or UDP
connection is established , applied this security mechanisms.Once the
connection has been established, packets can flow between the hosts without
further checking.
Network security is very important for us as we know hackers are big hurdle in economic growth so to save our business we should have business firewall. It will discover new applications to save your data.