A Router is a special type of computer. It has the same basic components as a standard desktop PC. However, routers are designed to perform some very specific functions. Just as computers need operating systems to run software
applications, routers need the Inter-network Operating System software (IOS) to
run configuration files? These configuration files contain the instructions and parameters that control the flow of traffic in and out of the routers. The many parts of a router are shown below:
A Router is a device that forwards the data packets between computers on different sub-net or networks, creating overlay inter-network. Router has a firmware ,called IOS (Inter Operating System). Router can be connected two or more data lines from different network. Router works on layer-3 of OSI model. and IP address is also work on Layer-3. Router reads the IP address information in the packet to determine its ultimate destination. Then using information in its routing table or routing policy, it directs the packet to next network on the basis of routing table.Cisco Routers |
To route the packet to its destination, this process is called Routing. Routing is a way to learn and maintain awareness of the network topology, Router looks up the destination in its routing table. To create a routing table to method is used.
1- Static Routing
2- Dynamic Routing
Static Routing -- In this method network related all information is configured manually by the Network Administrator. and on the basis of these information Router receive and send the data. this is called Static Routing.
Dynamic Routing-- for the dynamic routing Network Administrator needs to enable some protocols on the Router, these protocols are called Routing Protocols. after that all the rest Routing Protocol work itself. Some Routing Protocols. RIP, EIGRP, OSPF, BGP etc..
* Will discuss all protocol in next post.
Switch :- A Switch is device like Router, that forwards the data frames between computers on same subnet or different subnet ( in the case of Core Switch). it also have a IOS. there is difference between Router and Switch , that Router work on Layer 3 of OSI model. and Switch work on Layer 2 of OSI model. Switch works on the basis of MAC (Media Access Control). MAC also work on Layer 2. Switch make a MAC table. and work on the basis of this table. Switch has two types- 1. Manageable Switch, 2. Non-Manageable Switch. Switch works on Full Duplex.
Cisco Switches |
which data comes to the Switch, after reading the address from the data header, switch forward the data frame to its destination. this process is call Switching .
We can use three Method for Switching.
1. Store and forward Switching
2. Cut Through Switching
Real Time Switching
3. Modified Cut Through Switching
Fragment Free Switching